Bhagwan Marine will be expanding their fleet to further meet the needs of clients, just months after the company moved their corporate headquarters to Perth in a bid to strengthen relationships with Western Australia’s largest oil and gas clients.
Upon arrival in Western Australian waters, two vessels were immediately deployed into term charters with Vermilion Oil & Gas Australia, Jadestone Energy and other Oil & Gas majors on various projects. The two vessels, the CMV Athos and the DP2 SeaMaster are Dynamic Positioning (DP2) vessels. In general, DP2 vessels are used to assist with oil and gas transport, accommodation, platform supply and offshore work, amongst a variety of other functions.
The CMV Athos, in particular, holds a 65 Metre, ABS Classed, Multi-Purpose Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS), whilst also being an Offshore Support Vessel, and The DP2 SeaMaster is positioned as a 40M Multi-Purpose ROV, Survey, Construction & Dive Support Vessel.
Loui Kannikoski, Managing Director of Bhagwan Marine, explained that whilst moving into larger AHTS and OSV type vessels had been on the cards for some time, the decision to augment the company’s expanding fleet with these two particular DP2 vessels had grown directly out of moving the company’s Head Office to Perth.
“We’re talking to our clients every day now, and getting an even greater understanding of their needs,” he said. “We listened when they told us what they need, and we went out and got it. And that’s the way we intend to operate – in close consultation with the industries we service,” Kannikoski explained.
This news comes off the bat of another recent announcement of Bhagwan Marine announcing the appointment of Peter Bengtsson as the Company’s incoming Chief Operating Officer. Loui Kannikoski also commented that more announcements are to be expected in the near future.
More information on this announcement, among others can be found here.