Woodside has announced that the Shwe Yee Htun-2 appraisal well in Block A-6, which is located offshore of Myanmar, has successfully appraised the 2016 Shwe Yee Htun-1 discovery.
As per Woodside’s announcement this morning, the Shwe Yee Htun-2 appraisal well was drilled down-dip from the Shwe Yee Htun-1 well and intersected a gross gas column of 168 metres (measured depth rotary table (MDRT)) (143 metres true vertical thickness).
The company has stated that a total of 41 metres of net pay (true vertical thickness) has been interpreted within a high quality-reservoir.
The gas column has been confirmed through wireline logging and pressure measurements, which demonstrate that the intersected reservoir is ‘highly likely to be in pressure communication with the Shwe Yee Htun-1 discovery’, which is approximately 10 kilometres east of the current drilling location. The minimum total gross gas column based on wireline pressure data from both wells is now estimated to be approximately 237 metres.
The Shwe Yee Htun-2 well was spudded on 20 July 2018 and reached a total depth of 4820 metres in the main well bore. The well was subsequently side-tracked and drilled to a total depth of 4850 metres, which enabled the successful acquisition of conventional core, additional wireline logs and completion of a drill stem test.
Woodside has since stated that these tests confirm ‘good reservoir quality, permeability and well production deliverability’.
This morning Woodside CEO Peter Coleman said the initial results from the Shwe Yee Htun-2 well were positive and helped to build the company’s knowledge of the resources in Block A-6.
“The well has encountered good quality reservoir, with a gas column at the high-end of our pre-drill estimates. We look forward to completing a detailed analysis of the well results,” he commented, “the results are encouraging, and we hope that the resources in the permit can contribute energy that will support Myanmar’s future economic development.”
Arnaud Breuillac, President Exploration & Production at Total said the new discovery on A6 block is a major step towards unlocking new gas reserves in an area closely located to the fast-growing regional markets.
“Total’s track record of Myanmar’s Yadana gas field exploitation is a key asset to lead these discoveries to commercial development,” he said.
Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte Ltd holds a 40 per cent stake in Block A-6 and is the joint operator of the block and operator of the Shwe Yee Htun-2 well. MPRL E&P Pte Ltd, with a 20 per cent interest, is a joint operator of Block A-6. Total E&P Myanmar holds the remaining 40 per cent interest in the block.
More information on the Shwe Yee Htun-2 appraisal well can be found here.