Natural hydrogen E&P has entered a new phase. Following the pioneering explorations of Hydroma in Mali, then NH2 in the USA, and despite a slight slowdown during the covid period, the number of permits issued has proliferated.
Australia was the first state to adapt its law, followed by several others. Although data on H2 in the subsoil is still lacking in many basins, the key question is now more how to find an accumulation than where H2 could be generated.
Today, many companies have exploitation blocks, and many service companies also offer drilling and exploration tools dedicated to H2. Methods and tools to characterize the potential of H2-generating rocks and model H2 migration and accumulation are also emerging.
The H-Nat Summit is the first opportunity for all market players to find out more about the developments associated with natural hydrogen. They will be able to present their latest discoveries, exploration activities, products and services, establish partnerships, forge and develop business relationships, raise funds, build teams…
We look forward to seeing many of you at this year’s event in Australia, the land of choice for natural hydrogen today, with numerous exploration projects to discover !