Offshore Well Intervention Australia (OWI AUS 2023) brings together the well intervention & P&A community to discuss the industry’s most pertinent topics.
Join us on November 8-9 at the Duxton Hotel, Perth to ensure you are prepared for your upcoming well campaigns
The OWI AUS 2023 program contains:
Technical Day:
- Market Overview & Regulatory Insights
- Pre-Abandonment Intervention
- Environmental Shift in Australia including CCS
- Intervention Vessel Logistics
- Collaboration & Technology
Followed by a dedicated P&A workshop on Day 2
Speakers include: CODA, ENI, ExxonMobil, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, NOPSEMA & Shell
Access the full brochure: https://www.offsnet.com/owi-aus/conference-brochure
For any further information please contact Joseph Watson – joseph@offsnet.com