The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has welcomed the Queensland Government’s announcement of support for the recommendations of the GasField Commission Queensland (GFCQ) report into CSG-induced subsidence.
QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said the Government’s position was a positive step towards a process to manage future risks in onshore gas development relating to subsidence.
Macfarlane said: “The resources industry recognises the uncertainty the issue of subsidence has raised among landholders and the eight recommendations of the GGFCQ report will help address these concerns.
“Industry is supportive of the recommendations, including the need for a clear pathway for assessment, monitoring and mitigation through an agreement process that has an alternative dispute resolution process.
“We agree further refinement is needed to align this with existing frameworks that deliver coexistence.
“The implementation of a management framework and expansion of the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment functions also has the full support of our industry.
“What we all agree on is that independent science is critical to achieve and maintain coexistence between the resources sector and agriculture.
“Queensland’s onshore gas industry is absolutely crucial to Australia’s future domestic supply and producers acknowledge the interests and concerns of all stakeholders must be taken into account as the industry continues to sustainably develop.”