NOPSEMA has endorsed a new compliance strategy for effectively regulating the offshore industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.
NOPSEMA said the significant challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic requires an agile, responsive regulatory approach to ensure the energy security needs can continue to be met in a safe and environmentally responsible way.
“Therefore, NOPSEMA wishes to clearly communicate its approach and demonstrate that it’s addressing challenges in an agile and responsive way.”
NOPSEMA will continue to discharge all of its regulatory functions and activities in an integrated and coordinated way across the Agency. Where practicable all regulatory activities will be guided by existing policies and procedures unless certain actions are needed to deal with the rapidly evolving pandemic.
As outlined in the strategy, NOPSEMA will focus on the provision of advice, assistance and support to dutyholders to ensure offshore energy activities can continue to be undertaken in a safe and responsible way.
Regulatory effort continues to be directed to addressing major hazards to the safety, and health of personnel, well integrity and major impacts and risks on the environment.
A particular focus will be given to facilities and activities that are providing an essential service in the form of contributing to, or maintaining energy needs in the short and medium term.
A particular focus will be given to the provision of advice to duty holders to promote and encourage regulatory compliance and appropriate risk and impact management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This approach may need to be modified in response to broader developments over time and as such, this policy is likely to evolve.
For more information please visit Compliance Strategy page.