Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) is the world’s leading supplier of ground network services connecting space and earth. This unique capacity enables KSAT to downlink and deliver Earth observation (EO) imagery from multiple sources and deliver derived services to their customers globally in near real time (NRT).
KSAT’s heritage for over 25 years has focused on the maritime domain detecting vessels and oil spills on the water surface using primarily synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors in low Earth orbit.
Delivering oil on water reports as rapidly as within 20 minutes of image downlink from the satellite is important for rig operators, port authorities, national regulators and others, to monitor offshore assets and make time critical decisions as required.
In partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA), KSAT has also developed a package of maritime monitoring services which are tailored to meet the particular needs of those responsible for
the decommissioning of offshore oil and gas assets and are now bringing them to realisation in Australia as partners with Centre of Decommissioning Australia (CODA).
Complementing their time critical solutions, KSAT also offers bespoke solutions for non-NRT applications for both on- and offshore. These can support baselining and situational awareness from simple satellite-based reconnaissance where in-situ observation is not possible, to more complex services such as terrain mapping and elevation models, ground motion and subsidence using InSAR, as well as change detection and, increasingly in-demand, emission monitoring.
These advanced services are tailored specifically to meet the market needs and complement the existing services offered to customers across day-to-day operations, monitoring remote facilities and pipelines through to decommissioning and beyond. Monitoring past decommissioning completion is especially important to check the integrity of any plugged wells or other equipment left behind as typically those will have less ship traffic visiting the area after completion.
Oil can appear similar to algae from space so to avoid false positives KSAT can use different sensors from different satellites to detect the living plant material, specifically chlorophyll, to differentiate between surface features.
KSAT’s independence, owning no satellites of their own, makes it possible to present not only one of the widest and most comprehensive selections of optical and SAR satellite data available, but also provides independent unbiased advice and technical knowledge to suit applications across energy, environment, mining, defence and intelligence and more, to ensure that customers across all sectors are able to benefit from a solution that best meets their needs.
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