Beach Energy Limited’s Environment Plan (EP) for the early dive installation campaign at the Otway Gas Development has been approved by NOPSEMA.
The installation is required to prepare for the future tie-in of the Thylacine Development wells; which are expected to be drilled in 2021 – 2022 and were approved under a separate EP.
The Otway development consists of offshore and onshore infrastructure necessary for the commercialisation of gas and liquids in the Geographe and Thylacine fields off the coast of Victoria. Development of the gas fields commenced in 2004, by Woodside Petroleum Ltd under a joint venture arrangement, with first production in mid-2007.
The early dive installation will be undertaken in a single campaign, expected to take approximately two to three weeks (accounting for potential weather delays). The campaign is planned to be undertaken in the fourth quarter of 2022 until the second quarter of 2023.
Vessel based activities will be conducted on a 24-hour basis for the duration of the campaign. Platform support will likely be limited to daylight operations, but may extend to 24 hours.
Installation of the T-DIS will allow future connection of flowlines to the field to be undertaken using a remotely operated vehicle, without the need for divers. Rigid spools will be installed connecting the T-DIS to the existing production and MEG facilities at the Thylacine-A Wellhead Platform.
The new infrastructure will be overboarded from the installation vessel away from the installation location but within the operational area, and then lowered into position.
If the window for overboarding is short, the vessel may lower new infrastructure directly onto the seabed away from the installation location, and temporarily wet-park items prior to installation. Wet parking will occur within the operational area and will be temporary.