Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., IHI Corporation, Mitsui & Co. and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines have started a joint study to establish an ammonia supply base in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
In the study — in addition to researching to form a base for importing, storing, and supplying clean ammonia from overseas in the Soma area of Fukushima Prefecture — Mitsui O.S.K. Lines will also conduct a demand survey of hydrogen and ammonia for establishing a wide-area supply base for ammonia.
All five companies will begin research on the decarbonisation of plants, such as thermal power generation, utilising ammonia amongst power generation companies, steel companies, paper companies, chemical companies, and other business customers in anticipation of future demand.
These companies have promised to combine their collective knowledge to expand the circle of decarbonisation in the broad area of the Tohoku region, using the Soma Area as a base and building an ammonia supply that will contribute to the region’s economic development.
All public and private sectors within the Fukushima Prefecture, Soma City and Shinchi Town have agreed to work on the project which promises to contribute to regional decarbonisation and improve the economy.
Ammonia is a carbon-free fuel that promises zero carbon emissions when burned, making it one of the most effective countermeasures for global warming.
Since it can replace fossil fuels, ammonia is considered to be an energy source for the future, as it contributes to the decarbonisation of the industrial sector as well as generates power.
Ammonia is also promising as a hydrogen carrier that converts hydrogen to other states or materials for storage and transportation and is expected to play a significant role in building a hydrogen society.